On March 20th 2013 I went on a trip with my class to Queens Borough Community College
(QCC). Once we got to QCC we met up with some professors who showed us around the campus showing us multiple classrooms and what they teach at QCC that will be related the different classes we are taking in ITHS. We saw classrooms that taught architecture, classes that taught robotics, classes that showed programing, and classes that taught making and designing tools by using a computer.
In QCC we met professors and even some students, we got a first hand look at the way classes are taught, the classroom sizes, the way the teachers act and teach. Now looking at it I think it was important to visit the campus because it has a big effect on the way I will look at this college. I learned the basics of robotics, I learned that theres a machine that can make tools, I learned multiple classes that are available at QCC.
Before this class trip I hadn't visited any colleges I guess I didn't really think it would make much of a difference, that I didn't really need it, now after visiting QCC I think I will now visit multiple colleges before my senior year. I realized its important to look at colleges and to really get a feel for the school you will be staying at for the next four or two years depending on where you go.
Honestly I didn't really now what I was going to take from this trip I just knew that there was a trip and I had to go to it. Honestly I didn't really get anything from the classes because I don't want any of those things as a major or minor, but I did get a feel at what college is about and it did make me open up my eyes and notice that its a must to look at the colleges before you decide which one you want to go to. The trip was pretty boring, don't get me wrong they did tell us stuff that interested us but there was no attention grabber, there was nothing that kept me awake the whole time, even my mom was falling asleep. Something that would make it better is if they wouldn't just babble about the same thing for a long time, people get bored like that. Next college trip I would like to see more campus, not take so long in one class and more energetic, attention grabbing attitude from the people showing us around.